segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2012

Inscrições para a 10ª edição do “Miami Encontros”



Estão abertas as inscrições para a 10ª edição do “Miami Encontros”, programa de desenvolvimento de projetos de longas-metragens produzidos na América Latina, realizado pelo Festival Internacional de Cinema de Miami.
From 2003 – 2011, Miami International Film Festival's Encuentros program brought together influential industry professionals from all corners of the globe to meet with filmmakers in the Iberian diaspora (Spain, Portugal, South America, Central America, the Caribbean, and Spanish or Portuguese-language artists in the United States) with culturally interesting and commercially viable feature film projects in various stages of development.
With the objective of facilitating and supporting the completion of Latin American and U.S. Hispanic feature film projects in post-production and propelling them towards their debuts on the international stage, Miami Encuentros 2013 will, for the first time in the program’s history, award a cash prize of USD$ 10,000 to one winning project, as selected by a jury of industry professionals. The prize is sponsored by EGEDA, the Audiovisual Producers’ Rights Management Association from Spain.

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